Online Banking

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Killarney branch will be closed on Thursday 13th February (reopening Friday 14th February) and Monday 17th February due to a planned Killarney network outage.

Killarney will reopen from Tuesday 18th February at 9:30am. Our Head Office branch will remain open on these days.

A list of global toll free phone numbers are set out below. These numbers are also recorded in the Cash Passport Pack provided on issuing of the card and on the back of the Cash Passport card itself.

Country Number
Australia 1800 889 040
Austria 0800 293 496
Belarus 8 (wait for second dial tone) 800 441 (operator call collect to +44 0203 6849017)
Brazil 0800 891 7948
Canada 1 888 713 3424
China (North) 10 800 744 1099
China (South) 10800 441 0146
Colombia 01 800 944 2898
France 0800 905190
Germany 0800 1800 756
Greece 00 800 4413 1396
Hong Kong 800 964453
Ireland 1800 481016
Israel 180 944 1393
Italy 800 784 451
Japan 00531 78 0167
Korea (South) 00 798 443 1170
Malaysia 1800 80 7338
Mexico 01 800 123 4847
Netherlands 0800 022 8308
New Zealand 0800 450128
Philippines 1800 1442 0092
Portugal 800 880 432
Saudi Arabia 800 844 0999
Singapore 800 4411 256
South Africa 0800 99 0517
Spain 900 998907
Sweden 0200 285690
Switzerland 0800 563 428
Thailand 001 800 442 056
UAE 800 044 0089
United Kingdom 0800 0150401
Ukraine 810 0441 (operator call collect to +44 0203 6849017)
USA 1 888 713 3424
All other countries (1) 954 838 8294

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